
We Offer The Best & Most Effective Chimney Flue Relining & Restoration Options


Your chimney liner may not be at top of your mind when […]

Your chimney liner may not be at top of your mind when you have a fire going in the fireplace, but it’s the real MVP. How so? You know all the smoke, high heat, toxic gases, and corrosive byproducts that the fire produces? Well, without a flue liner, they have access to the combustibles in your walls and your air supply, which puts you at risk for things like house fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, and at the very least, an unpleasant fireside experience.

A damaged liner can make your chimney system unsafe for use, but when your liner is in great shape, you can enjoy your fireplace without worrying about these preventable health hazards and safety threats. The key is knowing whether your liner is good to go or needs some work. The easiest way to stay “in the know” is to schedule an annual chimney inspection with a CSIA-certified chimney professional. During an inspection, an experienced and educated chimney sweep will use a video camera to look at the interior of your chimney flue from top to bottom. Using this equipment allows us to see the surface of the flue up close so we can easily identify any cracks, gaps, holes, spalling, or other hazards that might negatively impact the safety and efficiency of the flue liner.

If your flue liner is damaged, you may think it’s all bad news — but there is some good news because there are several great options for repair that will provide you with a long-lasting solution to liner troubles.

Ningbo Taiyue Hardware has a flue resurfacing and relining system that uses the insulating, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and restorative power of a cerfractory flue sealant mixture to repair, resurface, and reline damaged clay tile flue liners. There are different levels of repair with HeatShield®, but whether you have a damaged or receding mortar joint here and there, your entire flue surface needs some repair, or you need the added strength and insulation of a sleeve liner paired with the cerfractory sealant.

Stainless Steel Liners — For chimneys that were made prior to the 1920s and lack a liner altogether and chimneys that have severely damaged clay tile or aluminum flue liners, stainless steel liners can be great restoration options. These liners are available in rigid and flexible forms, are approved for all fuel types, and can be slipped down into chimneys of all shapes and sizes for a lifetime of service and protection.

Are there hidden dangers in your chimney liner that are causing it to be unsafe and ineffective at venting the attached fireplace, stove, or insert? Let Ningbo Taiyue Hardware Co.,Ltd. Chimney Services restore your liner! Our techs are highly educated and experienced and can inspect your system, show you where the areas of concern are, and help you determine the best restorative option for your situation.

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